Colon Hydrotherapy

Colon Hydrotherapy is a relaxing, rejuvenating and highly effective method of cleansing the colon and removing toxins without the use of drugs. This allows vital nutrients to be absorbed more easily and leaves you feeling re-energized and healthier. Colon Hydrotherapy, also known as colonics, colon irrigation or high enemas, can also help re-tone & reshape the colon. A colonic is a controlled method of gently infusing warm, temperature regulated, purified water into the colon to remove encrusted fecal matter, gas and mucus. It safely soften and loosens human waste resulting in evacuation through natural peristalsis. No chemicals or drugs are involved and the entire therapy is both relaxing and effective.

A healthy well-functioning bowel is essential for the maintenance of optimal health. The colon is the sewage system of the body and if wastes are allowed to build up they begin to putrefy and ferment over time causing toxicity in the body. The toxic material can end up re-entering our blood stream and getting deposited in our cells. When the blood stream is overloaded with toxic waste, the body and all other organs will function at a lower level. A potential auto-intoxification can lead to the hindrance of the digestive system causing you to become distressed, bloated and unable to properly digest and absorb nutrients from your food. This toxic pollution of the blood can contribute to unhealthy skin, bad breath, body odor, leaky gut and a range of digestive disorders. This vital organ remains the most neglected in the human body.

It is almost unavoidable in our modern age not to be exposed to both air and nutritional pollution. Modern diets full of animal proteins, processed foods, fats, sugars, along with stress, constant pressure and lack of exercise; the colon becomes the repository of accumulated waste and toxins which disable the body’s purification system. The digestive system is the most important bodily system, majority of disease and discomfort starts in the colon and we don’t clean out our systems often enough. Cleansing the colon can be the perfect way to start eliminating harmful toxins in your body as well as a measure to prevent illness. The colon is where the body absorbs 80% of it’s nutrients, if the content of the colon is congested and peristalsis is inhibited, you can actually be starving while gaining weight. A healthy, clean and intact intestinal lining can assist in maximum nutrient absorption. Whether you are maintaining your good health or beginning your journey towards wellness, a colonic is vital in improving your sense of well being, balance, and preventative measures to fight chronic illness.


Colonics are known to facilitate weight loss, improve digestion, and eradicate cravings and addictions. Regular colon cleansing can lead to more energy, clearer skin, a feeling of lightness, improved mental clarity, better sleep, and mostly inspires the body to stay on the right track. Experience the health benefits of colon hydrotherapy as a gentle effective way to hydrate your body, remove excess toxins, and rejuvenate your overall health and wellness. A well deserved improvement of whole-body well-being.



Aqua Lavage Colon Hydrotherapy & Detox
7860 Mission Center Court, Suite 210
San Diego, CA 92108

Disclaimer: *You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise, supplementation or health program. This website contains general conditions and treatments. The information is not advice, and should not be treated as such. Results vary from person to person.