What To Expect

What Does the ‘Colonic’ Session Involve? 

Colon hydrotherapy, also known as colonics, colon irrigation or high enemas, is a safe way of removing waste and toxins from the large intestines without the use of drugs. It’s a controlled method of cleansing the colon by introducing warm, filtered water. The waste is softened and loosened, resulting in evacuation through natural peristalsis. The LIBBE (Lower Intestinal Bottom Bowel Evacuation) is an “open system”. The water is gravity fed so there is no pressure in the water flow, resulting in a gentle cleanse.
A colonic session is a comfortable experience for many people. Clients are treated with respect and dignity. When you arrive you will be asked to fill out a client history form. We will then discuss what you hope to achieve with colon hydrotherapy. You can expect the session to last around 50 minutes and it’s recommended not to eat two hours before.

You will privately undress from the waist down and cover yourself with a sheet. Once you are assisted onto the LIBBE you will be instructed on how to insert the individually wrapped, ‘pencil’ sized rectal nozzle. A slow, gentle flow of warm water is used to stimulate the colon’s natural peristalsis to release softened waste. The water is first Carbon filtered and then goes through an Ultra Violet purification system. There will be an inflow of water and release a of waste; this may be repeated many times. The therapist may enhance the session with techniques to promote a more therapeutic release. There is NO ODOR.
